First Picture
August 28, 1999

It is official! You arrived!  

We have waited so long for you...


You were so mad when you were born. You let everyone in the hospital know that you arrived and that you were not a happy camper. Little did we know that you were trying to tell us that you needed help breathing.

Mommy got worried first because you were not eating like you should. Then the doctors found out that you weren't breathing very well. They called the Children's Hospital in Denver CO and they came to pick you up. You got to ride in a helicoptor before you were even 24 hours old.

Mommy was so scared and worried to let you go. But she knew that the Children's Hospital was a much better place for you to be. Mommy wanted to go with you, but her doctor said she needed to stay in Haxtun to recover from your birth first.

At Denver's Children's Hospital the doctors fixed your nose up. 'Stints' were placed in your nose. They looked like little straws and had to have hurt so very bad. We stayed in Denver for a week so the doctors could make sure you were OK. You looked so very little attached to all the machines necessary for monitoring your health.

The doctors told Mommy that you would need surgery every six weeks to make sure your nose continued to grow correctly.