With the new teeth you began
developing, you got to start eating baby food. Thankfully, you were a
really good baby when it came to the pureed foods. You liked and ate
everything that was offered to you. Your favorite was the blueberry
flavored stuff. You were also introduced to teething biscuits, which
Mommy thought were yucky, so we also gave you graham crackers. The
graham crackers were much better tasting for you.
You took your first vacation in March of 2001. Daddy drove you across the country, all the way to Tennessee to visit your great-grandpa, grandpas and grandmas. You were also able to meet your aunt and uncle on daddy's side. Although, I'm sure Daddy had a lot of fun with you on this trip, Mommy was very happy to have you back at home. On April 23rd you celebrated your first Easter. This holiday was the most exciting one for you so far. You received your first Easter basket with Easter toys. During this time period you also started to get the idea of crawling, but rolling around was still more effective for you. You developed an 'Army Crawl' that allowed you to get forwards, but it took quite a bit of time. You also had surgery on your nose on April 25th. Everyone was so happy to hear that this might be the last time it's needed. |