Sunday, February 16,  2003

Well, it's been forever since Mommy updated my website.  She gets really, really busy.  So, I guess it's time for catching up.  :o) 


In November there was Thanksgiving.  Mommy, Randy and I all went to Grandma Bark's house for Thanksgiving dinner.  Aunt Dia was there too.  We had a lot of fun.  While everyone was cooking, Aunt Dia let me play with her keyboard.  It was soooooo big!  I had fun playing songs.  And the turkey dinner tasted so yummy! 


In December there was Christmas.  I love Christmas time!!  Christmas this year was Daddy's holiday, so I spent most of the day there opening presents and playing with my new toys.  But at 6:00 Mommy came to get me.  And I got to open presents all over again!!  It was so much fun and I got so much stuff.  Grandma Bark and Aunt Dia were there too.  Grandma Bark got me lots of Bob the Builder toys.  My favorite Christmas gift was from Grandma Patty.  She bought me a LeapPad book so I can learn to read!  It is soooo much fun. And Mommy and Randy got me lots and lots of new movies too. 


In January there was Mommy's birthday.  She is OLD!!  I told Mommy that it was not her birthday, it was Alex's.  So, Mommy, Randy and I all went to Chuck E Cheese's to celebrate.  I had soooooo much fun!  I got to ride on the new rides.  They even had a Scoop!!  But I had the most fun playing in the tubes that were on the ceiling.  While I was running around up there, Randy took my tokens and won me lots and lots of tickets.  So I got to bring some toys home.  I got a Chuck E Cheese truck and a Bob the Builder ball.  We had so much fun. 


In January Randy also decided to go live with Grandma Bark instead of Mommy.  :o(  I miss Randy a lot.  But a few weeks later, Uncle Kevin came to live with us.  Uncle Kevin and I have a lot of fun together!  The first week he was here Mommy let me come home from school in the afternoons to play with Uncle Kevin, but then Daddy said Mommy can't do that anymore.  :o(  I miss spending that time with him, but I have fun at school too. 


That is another thing new in January.  Mommy started letting me go to school all day long when I'm with her.  It is so much fun to stay there all day long!  I get to make lots and lots of pretty pictures.  And I get to play with all of my friends too!  In the afternoons I spend a lot of time building puzzles.  I LOVE puzzles. 


Now it's February and we just had Valentine's Day.  At school I got lots of Valentine cards and candy!  We also painted lots and lots of hearts.  It was fun.  On Valentine's day I also went to the doctor.  :o( She said I have strep throat.  So I have to take lots of medicines and stay home with Mommy.  But it's fun to stay home with Mommy.  We watch movies together, read books together and build puzzles together.  We are having lots of fun. 


Well, I think you're all caught up now, so I'm going to go play!!

Posted By: @ 9:40 am